2025 Mobile Food Pantries

Food Distribution is from 11 am to 12 pm. Please do not line up until 9:30 am.

Fall and Winter Pantries will be scheduled no later than September.

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Do I have to be present to receive food?

No, you can designate a proxy to pick up food for you. However, each car can only pick up 2 households of food.


Is there a limit of how much food I pick up?

Yes, each car is only allowed 2 households of food.


What information do you need to give at registration?

Name, address, birthdays (possibly employment or assistance program status).


Is there any reason I would be denied food?

You will not be denied food unless your car already has food for two households, or you have been disrespectful to our volunteers. You do not need to live in Miami County or have a permanent address to receive food.


What counts as a “Household”?

All the people living at one address regardless of family relationship or number of residents.


What kind of food and how much does each household get?

The food truck is loaded in Lafayette before coming to Miami Co., so the local volunteers do not know. Usually it will be a meat, canned good, potatoes, along with various items. The amount each household gets will depend on the number of cars lined up.